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There are only 24 hours in a day. How you make use of it is totally up to you. Not everyone can claim using their 24 hours productively. This is the reason why you may have caught yourself wishing that there are more than 24 hours in a day to get things done.
Honestly, you don’t need to have more than 24 hours to get tasks done both at home and your place of work. If you are productive, you can achieve more and even have more time to rest. Fortunately, there are tons of technology today that can help you improve your productivity.
On the same hand, there are tons of distractive technology that makes it hard to get more done in a day. Nowadays, you can easily see many people spending a lot of time on Facebook and Instagram than on their tasks.
If you want to be productive at home and work so you can achieve more in any given day, you have to be principled and focused. You must know precisely what you want to achieve. There are many ways you can increase your productivity. In this article, you will learn of the top ways you can increase your productivity.
Top Ways To Be Super Productive Woman
1. Set Specific Goals You Want to Achieve
When you don’t plan, you already plan to fail. The best way to be productive is to set specific goals that you want to achieve within a given day. Don’t just wake up without a plan. You need to know tasks that you must achieve within that day. This helps to eliminate vagueness and provide you with clarity around your end goal. It also makes it very easy to move from one task to another until you complete them all.
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2. Start With Simple Tasks
When you start with simple tasks, it makes it easier to complete them and move on to the next task. A big task can seem overwhelming and intimidating. Sometimes, this can make you lazy. However, if you can complete small tasks first, you will have the confidence you need to handle much more laborious tasks.
3. Plan Your Day the Night Before
You must plan your day the night before. This means you already know what you want to achieve on any given day the moment you wake up. It saves you time and helps you to be more focused. Planning your day at night before will provide you with more clarity and more control over your schedule.
4. Remove Distractions
In most cases, the reason why we are unable to achieve given tasks is due to tons of distractions. Technology has made it even more difficult to avoid distractions. You can be distracted by television, radio, smartphones, and your computer.
Whenever you are distracted, it takes nearly 25 minutes to re-engage with whatever you were doing. If you can eliminate distractions, you will find out that your day will be more productive.
To eliminate distractions, you will need to turn off email notifications and ask your co-workers to avoid distracting you while you are working. You will also need to remove digital clutter, such as half-finished documents on your desktop and unneeded open tabs.
5. Focus on One Task
Never take many tasks at once. This will make it harder to complete any of them. If your work is cognitively demanding, you are better off focusing on one task at a time. You will get more done during the allocated time.
If you focus on more than one task, you are likely to do both of them poorly. Moreover, it leads to mistakes, which means redoing the work again. Focusing on one task at a time makes it easier to be productive.
6. Make Yourself Unreachable At Work
You can be more productive at work when you make yourself unreachable. Constantly answering calls and sharing jokes and gossips with co-workers will make it even harder to be productive. When you want to achieve more at work, you must isolate yourself until you complete tasks on your To-Do list.
7. Keep Yourself Organized
Make sure your home and office are organized. When you are organized, it makes it very easy to be productive.
8. Take Breaks
You probably want to achieve everything in one day. However, you must take a break. You can divide your time into sessions and allow breaks in-between. When you take a break, it gives you time to refresh your brain and recharge your body. After your break session, you will be able to concentrate more and achieve more.
9. Exercise
Exercising is not only for physical maintenance. It also plays a vital role in your mental wellness. According to scientists, a healthy mind dwells in a healthy body. Make sure you take out time from your busy day to get some exercise. This will boost your immunity and will help you gain the stamina you need to be productive at home and work.
Final Thoughts
Put these productive tactics into action, and you will soon realize there is enough hours in your day to complete most if not all of your necessary task.
-Shameka Renee
Results may vary. Information and statements made are for general purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Her Own Health does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Her Own Health are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.